Sensory-based, Relationship-focused Therapy
for Children and Families
Regulation and Relationships
Parent and Caregiver Group
Secure attachment relationships are a protective factor for children that support learning and therapeutic change, set the foundation for social competence, and promote effective functioning of the emotion regulation and stress response systems across the lifespan.
Next Group Begins
Fall 2024
Learn to read your child's emotional needs
Understand individual differences
Recognize signals regarding regulation state
Support ability to manage emotions
Enhance self esteem
Improve regulation capacity
Honor your innate wisdom and desire for your child to be and feel secure
Learn new skills, share your story, and receive encouragement from others.
Join with family members and caregivers to most fully support your child
Groups meet once weekly for 8 weeks
The Circle of Security program is used as a foundation for understanding how best to promote and enhance secure attachment and regulation capacity in children even during times of stress.
The Circle of Security program covers topics such as connection, benefits of secure relating, and reading children’s cues (and your own).
Concepts consistent with your therapist’s advanced training in Sensory Processing and Integration, DIR/Floortime, Polyvagal theory, and trauma will be explored to expand the learning opportunities and meaningful impact of the Circle of Security program.
When: Fridays 11:30-1:00 September 13 to November 15, 2024
Where secure Zoom meeting room
Individual Pay per session: $120 (discounted for additional caregiver)​
Individual Prepay by Aug 30: $900 (discounted for additional caregiver)
Contact Mim Bartos for more information or click the link below: