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Group Participation Agreement

  • Beyond Sensory groups are designed to provide educational materials to participants in a collaborative setting and are not intended as a replacement for direct therapy/intervention. 

  • Beyond Sensory groups are completed virtually using a HIPAA compliant Zoom account. 

Participant Agreement

Potential Topics


Groups work best when all members attend consistently. Additionally, the content we discuss will build progressively from week to week. By submitting this form, participants agree to attend weekly unless there is an emergency.



Beyond Sensory groups are designed to be collaborative. To ensure that all participants are comfortable with sharing, confidentiality must be maintained. The group facilitator will not share any private information regarding group participants to anyone outside the group. Additionally, any private information known to the facilitator regarding a specific participant will not be shared within the group without explicit permission. By submitting this form, participants agree to maintain the confidentiality of others by not sharing the private information discussed during groups.



 All group participants are encouraged to participate. There are opportunities to ask and answer questions, share experiences, offer support, and share ideas with others throughout the group process. It is vital that each participant show and receive respect to enhance the experience for all. By submitting this form, participants agree to listen and share with respect.


Videos and Photos

Beyond Sensory groups are recorded by the group facilitator. Group activities build on each other week to week and the information must be captured for future use (ex: text images from Zoom whiteboard). The group facilitator reviews recordings to assure and promote quality. Images of group participants will not be used or shared in any way without explicit permission. The Zoom recording feature is disabled for participants and participants agree not capture any images occurring during the group using other devices. By submitting this form, participants agree to the above stated policy regarding video recordings and photos. 



There are costs associated with facilitating each group. Payment for participation helps to offset these costs. The Pay-What-You-Can program is designed to allow access and participation for all. Payments are due prior to group meetings with Venmo being the preferred method of payment. Payments can be made on a weekly basis or one lump payment covering the cost of the entire group series can be made. Each participant will receive an invoice from Beyond Sensory for their records. By submitting this form, participants agree to pay for each group session at the rate submitted during registration.

Thank you! I look forward to seeing you soon!


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I look forward to collaborating with you!

sense    >    engage    >    relate    >    learn    >    adapt    >    thrive
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